Hiking around the world

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Hiking around the world by Mind Map: Hiking around the world

1. Resources

1.1. How to make your hike easier

1.1.1. Filters: I will have filters to make it easier for people to pick which hike they want and how hard it will be

1.2. Where the best hiking spots are

1.2.1. Pictures: I will have pictures with descriptions so people can see what is best for them.

2. Hiking Tagline: Helping people find the best hikes around the world.

3. Where are the easiest places to hike

3.1. This page will have intermediate hikes that people of all ages can do.

3.1.1. Pictures: There will be pictures of every hike so you have a visual of where you are going to be hiking.

4. What to bring on your hike

4.1. This page will be for people who maybe have never been on a hike or for people who just want to make sure they have everything they need to bring for a hike.

4.1.1. Checklist: I will put a checklist of items on what to bring with you on a hike.

5. Home

5.1. Hiking is something that can be done alone, with friends, with dogs, even with young children. The home page is going to have filters so you can choose how hard you want your hike to be and which place you want to hike.

5.1.1. Slideshow: I will have a slideshow that has photos of all of the hiking spots available on the website.

5.1.2. Photo Editing: I will use photo editing to enhance the images so they catch peoples eyes more and enhance the scenery.

5.1.3. Logo: The logo will be on all of the pages.

6. About

6.1. Do you love hiking new places but never know where to hike? This cite will tell you everything you need to know about looking for a new place and what to expect during the hike.

6.1.1. Flyer: I am going to put a flyer on the website to give an overview of what is on it.

6.1.2. Pictures: I will have more pictures on the about page to keep it more interesting and not plain.

6.1.3. Register Button: I will put a register button so people can easily register to get emails and updates on our website and hikes.

7. Contact

7.1. if you have more questions you can contact me, Regan Diaz, at 209-606-3868 or [email protected]

7.1.1. Link: I will have a link to my email under my contact so it will be easy to contact me.

8. What clothes to wear

8.1. This page will have what proper shoes to wear when hiking and what will be most comfortable. It will also give ideas of what to wear when hiking so you don't over dress or dress for the wrong weather conditions.

8.1.1. Pictures: I will put pictures of outfits so they have an understanding of what to wear and what not to wear.