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Who I Am by Mind Map: Who I Am

1. Determined

1.1. Works hard on homework

1.2. only misses classes when I have to

1.3. Participates in class for better understanding

1.4. retries when i dont succeed

2. isolated

2.1. avoids big gatherings

2.2. works better along

2.3. few friends

2.4. doesn't like big interactions

3. hard working

3.1. Keeps up with my job

3.2. Finishes homework

3.3. Keeps myself organized and on track

4. Art

4.1. Drawing/sketching

4.2. Painting

4.3. Art classes

4.4. Form of expression

5. Special ed teacher

5.1. High school

5.2. experienced

5.3. brother is inspiration (he is special needs)