Artificial Intelligence
by Mi Jing KHOR

1. advantage
1.1. convenient
1.2. consumer friendly interface
1.3. High accuracy and precision
1.4. immediate
1.5. overcome human limitation
1.5.1. ocean exploration
1.5.2. space exploration
1.5.3. mining purpose
1.6. communicate and connect
1.7. Make everyday life easier
1.8. Logical and rational decision
1.9. Increase work efficiency
1.10. Substitution for dangerous work
2. future
2.1. brain silicon pellet
2.2. ultrasonic examination
2.3. find missing children
2.4. mind control
2.5. accompany the old in need
2.6. voice recognition
2.7. face recognition
2.8. individual information network[data time]
3. disadvantage
3.1. High cost (maintainace and repair)
3.2. Unemployment (replacement for manpower)
3.3. Lack human compassion
3.4. Lack creativity
3.5. Diminished lateral thinking and multitasking ability of mankind
3.6. Fear of Robot superseding Human
3.7. Controversy arises
3.7.1. security
3.7.2. ethics
4. application
4.1. Medical Field
4.1.1. Robotic pets
4.1.2. Medical Algorithms
4.1.3. Surgery Simulator
4.1.4. Robotic Radiosurgery
4.2. Finance
4.2.1. Chatbots
4.2.2. Fraud detection
4.2.3. Robo-advisor
4.3. Transportation
4.3.1. Intelligent Transportation System
4.3.2. Face recognition algorithm
4.3.3. self-driving car
4.3.4. AI-Driven Emergency Response System
4.4. Games
4.4.1. Non-player characters (NPCs)
4.5. Education
4.5.1. Automate Grading
4.5.2. Educational Software - Tailored education
4.5.3. AI tutors
4.6. Daily Life
4.6.1. smart home manager
4.6.2. Smartphone
4.7. Service Industry
4.7.1. customer service
4.7.2. Automating Dispatching