How to play soccer

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How to play soccer by Mind Map: How to play soccer

1. Resources

1.1. On the resources tab, I will include website links to professional soccer pages, professional leagues, and popular soccer apparel websites such as nike and under armour.

2. About me

3. Home

4. Contact Page

5. Strategic plan

6. Reference Page

7. Coaches

7.1. This will include information for coaches and people looking to become a coach. I will focus on my hometown and will find recources for potential coaches.

8. Skills

8.1. This page will have information for current or potential players. This will have drills, basic skills, and items needed to complete these activities.

9. Positions

9.1. I will show diagrams and photos of the 11 positions on the soccer field. I will have descriptions of the basic job for each position and how they play throughout the game.

10. Parents

10.1. For parents, I will explain as to how they can help their child excel in the sport, how they can be the best "soccer parent" and how they can support their child.

11. Professional Players

11.1. Since soccer has become more popular in the past few years, players have become more successful and well-known. I will give descriptions of how they got to where they are, their position, and what team they play on.