Computer Systems

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Computer Systems by Mind Map: Computer Systems

1. Output- Displays the manipulations that have been processed

1.1. Monitor- displays manipulations you have made with various inputs visually.

1.2. Speaker-broadcasts audio from media

1.3. Printer- makes a tangible document you have made on the computer

1.4. Projector- broadcasts the same things as a monitor would, just on a bigger scale using lens.

2. Input- Objects that are able to manipulate the way a computer behaves

2.1. Keyboard- input commands such as, shortcuts, typing, and computations

2.2. Mouse- moves cursor around the screen and manipulates clickable items

2.3. Microphone- make recordings, communicate to computer and other networks.

2.4. Touch screen- same capabilities as a mouse would have.

2.5. Camera- take pictures of various objects, make videos, and capture events in real time.

3. Process- the'middle man' for the input/output system. It uses the information provided by the input, executes the directives, and sends the directives to the outputs. Ex. C++, HTML, Java Script, and C Sharp

3.1. CPU

4. Storage- Stores the information the input has provided for long-term/short-term memory.

4.1. R.A.M