How can the outdoor tourism industry adapt to climate change in the next decade?

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How can the outdoor tourism industry adapt to climate change in the next decade? by Mind Map: How can the outdoor tourism industry adapt to climate change in the next decade?

1. Economics

1.1. Tourism Marketing Business Plans ( Tourism Opportunity Strategy, Tourism Development Plans, Business to business joint ventures, familiarization- education), product development)

1.2. Opportunity Cost of climate change

1.3. (KN) Natural resources

1.4. Logit analysis

1.5. Tourism demand - simulation model

1.6. Tourism Opportunity Strategy

2. Environmental Science

2.1. Thermal Environment ( Energy balance equation for heat stress ; M + W + R + C + ED + ERe + ESw + S = 0) Human - Bio meteorological assessment of the thermal environment ) Mayer and Matzarakis , 2003

2.2. Thermal Environment

2.2.1. Heat affects species distribution

2.2.2. Hydro logical systems alteration leading to mobile dune systems --> Loss in biodiversity

2.2.3. Wildfire in forest ' Lightning, which causes up to 35% of Canada's wildfires and is responsible for 85% of the area burned annually, increases as temperature rise, with studies showing 12% more lighting strikes for each degree celsius of warming' ( David Suzuki Foundation ) Drier and shorter winters --> earlier snowmelt --> extend fire season

2.3. Impact on crucial natural elements ( temperature, number of sun hours, precipitation, wind, humidity and fog ( Martin, 2004, P572))

2.3.1. Winter index ( W Ln) derived annually on the frequency of air frost ( An) and snow lying days ( Sn) : WLn = ( An - A) / SD A + ( Sn - S) / SDs

2.4. Ecological Footprint to assess tourism Sustainability

2.4.1. Methodological Framework based on an effective footprint calculation Location ( Dcs Vs LDCs)

3. Education

3.1. Changing perspectives and perceptions --> Change in behavior --> Conservation and sustainability

4. Psychology

4.1. Motivation of travel ( Push and pull factors ) Kai Liang's paper

4.2. Destination Image - Tourist perceptions and destination choice

5. Sustainable technology advancement

5.1. Foresight of climatological alterations

5.1.1. Snow model to predict the amount of snow fall M = K(( 1.88 + 0.007R)(9/5T) + 1.27)) snow model developed by the US Army Corps of Engineers

6. Clara's Brainchild

6.1. Study public policy development process

6.2. Model to calculate potential of tourism site ( expected utility)

6.3. Ecological framework / checklist for site development - include analysis for economic implications