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Airtransport by Mind Map: Airtransport

1. The future scene states that air cars have their own navigation system. This may be a problem because the car could go out of control and crash somewhere.

2. The future scene states that the smaller flights are cheaper. This could be a problem because everyone will be going on to the cheaper flights and it could get really uncomfortable for elderly people and pregnant women.

3. The future scene states that cheap travel flights have less security. This could be a problem because lots of people with drugs and guns could go on the planes and take guns out on flight and threaten people for their money.

4. The future scene states that people fly because of the traffic on the road. This maybe a problem because the sky will fill up then when people stat driving again the traffic will be filled again and it will be a cycle of jams.

5. the future scene states that if there is such a big crowd on the short cheap flight it will be easier to smuggle drugs and other things

6. The future scene states that

7. Solutions

8. New node