Problem: My bed in CWW is full of wet towels and clothing. The affected wellness will be the Soci...

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Problem: My bed in CWW is full of wet towels and clothing. The affected wellness will be the Social wellness. by Mind Map: Problem: My bed in CWW is full of wet towels and clothing. The affected wellness will be the Social wellness.

1. Alternative 1: You become extremely mad at your roommates and not talk to them.

1.1. Consequence: Your friends apologies and stop putting their clothes on your bed but they are annoyed at you.

1.2. Consequence: Your friends start shouting back and your start fighting amongst each other and you lose friends

2. This is a conditional decision because what you are going to say to your roommates depends on what kind of a personality you have and how good of friends your roommates are.

3. Choosing to talk and ask my roommates my they put their clothes on my bed was the best decision because it brought up the topic without causing any problems and arguments between us. This decision contributes to social wellness my making sure that you get to keep your friends and still get them to stop doing something to annoy you.

4. Alternative 2: You ask them why they thought they could dump their wet clothing and towel an your bed.

4.1. Consequence: Your roommates get annoyed when you ask them to stop and argue with you.

4.2. Consequence: Your roommates apologies and stop putting their clothes on your bed.

4.3. This alternative is probably consistent with my character because it shows respect for your roommates because they might have a reasonable reason for why they put their wet clothes and towels on my bed.

5. Alternative 3: You stay quiet and not say anything about it.

5.1. Consequence: Your roommates keep on dumping their wet clothes on your bed assuming you have no problem about it.