Company and Marketing Strategy Partnering to Build Customer Relationships

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Company and Marketing Strategy Partnering to Build Customer Relationships by Mind Map: Company and Marketing Strategy  Partnering to Build Customer  Relationships

1. Planning Marketing: Partnering to Build Customer Relationships

1.1. Partnering with Other Company Departments

1.2. Partnering with Others in the Marketing System

2. Marketing Strategy and the Marketing Mix

2.1. Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy

2.1.1. Market Segmentation

2.1.2. Marke Targeting

2.1.3. Differentation

2.1.4. Positioning

2.2. Developing an Integrated Marketing Mix

3. Managing the Marketing Effort

3.1. Marketing Analysis

3.2. Marketing Planning

3.3. Marketing Implementation

3.4. Marketing Department Organization

3.5. Marketing Control

4. Companywide Strategic Planning: Defining Marketing’s Role

4.1. Defining a Market-Oriented Mission

4.2. Setting Company and Goals

4.3. Designing the Bussiness Portfolio

4.3.1. Analyzing the Current Bussiness Portfolio

4.3.2. The Boston Consulting Group Appoarch

4.3.3. Problems with Matrix Approaches

4.3.4. Developing Strategies for Growth and Downsizing

5. Designing the Business Portfolio

5.1. Design business portfolios

5.2. Develop grownth strategies