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STEM by Mind Map: STEM

1. Different kinds of Principles

2. Pre-Cal

2.1. Hypoteneus

2.2. Pythagorian Theorem

2.3. Trigonometry

3. Gen Math

3.1. Logarithmic

3.2. Rational Functions

3.3. Rational Equations

4. Physical Education

4.1. FIT

5. Filipino

5.1. Wika

5.2. Kultura

5.3. Diyagram

6. Exogenous

7. Earth Science

7.1. Endogenous

7.2. Spheres

7.3. Theories

8. E-Tech

8.1. Photoshop

8.2. Excel

8.3. Wix Website

8.4. Powerpoint

9. Oral Communication

9.1. What is communication

9.2. Type of Speech

10. Social Science

10.1. Branches of Philosophy

10.2. Philosophy

10.3. Values

10.4. Ethics