Green Vehicles

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Green Vehicles by Mind Map: Green Vehicles

1. Disadvantages

1.1. Limited Charging Stations

1.2. Less afordable (highly priced)

1.2.1. purchasing cost

1.2.2. maintenance fee

1.3. Limited Technology

1.4. May impose safety issues

1.5. Reduces mileage on long trip

2. Advantages

2.1. Greater Gas Mileage

2.2. Improved quality of life

2.3. Use Sustainable Energy

2.3.1. Reduce dependance on non-renewable energy

2.3.2. Reduce energy consumption

2.3.3. Conserve Natural resources

2.3.4. Energy prices will drop

2.4. Financial

2.4.1. Save on long term operating cost

2.4.2. monitoring cost on cars emissions

2.5. Environmental

2.5.1. Reduce emission of greenhouse gases slow down global warming

2.5.2. air pollutants air pollution

3. Types

3.1. Hybrid vehicles

3.1.1. Hybrid Electric Vehicle

3.1.2. Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle

3.1.3. Pedal-assisted electric hybrid vehicle

3.2. Electric Motor and Pedal Powered Vehicles

3.2.1. Electric bicycles

3.2.2. Electric Motorcycles

3.2.3. Mopeds

3.2.4. Motorised Quadricycle

3.3. Compressed air cars

3.4. Solar Car

3.5. Diesel-powered cars

3.6. Electric scooter and motorcycle

3.7. Hydrogen Vehicle

4. Alternative Fuels

4.1. Biofuel

4.1.1. Biomass

4.1.2. Algae-based fuels

4.1.3. Biodiesel

4.2. Alcohol Fuels

4.2.1. Methanol

4.2.2. Ethanol

4.2.3. Butanol

4.3. Clean Diesel

4.4. Chemically Stored Electricity

4.4.1. batteries

4.4.2. Fuel Cell

4.5. Compressed Air

4.6. Natural Gas

4.7. Refused-Derived fuel (RDF)

4.7.1. Municipal Solid Waste(MSW)

4.7.2. Industrial Waste

4.7.3. Commercial Waste

4.8. Ammonia

4.9. Hydrogen and Formic Acid

4.10. Liquid Nitrogen

4.11. Hydrogen

4.12. Carbon-neutral and negative fuels

4.13. Solar Energy

5. Application

5.1. Green Intelligent Transport Systems

5.2. Personal Transport

5.3. Logistic

6. Challenges

6.1. High production cost

6.1.1. expensive battery technology

6.1.2. Highly priced

6.2. Research and Development

6.2.1. high cost

6.2.2. lack professions in development and maintenance

6.2.3. low battery duration

6.2.4. Relatively long charging time

6.3. Low popularity among publics

7. Suggestions

7.1. Improve the rationality of road network construction

7.2. Attach great importance to the integrated planning of transportation and lang use

7.3. Improve road safety facilities

7.4. Implement traffic safety management

8. Revolution

8.1. Past

8.1.1. High pollution Car Fossil fual

8.2. Now

8.2.1. Low pollution Bus and bike Low carbon

8.3. Future

8.3.1. non pollution Use hydrogen as power Water