Foundations of Education

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Foundations of Education by Mind Map: Foundations of Education

1. Politics

1.1. Purposes of Education

1.1.1. SOCIAL


1.1.3. Intellectual

1.1.4. Political

1.2. Counseling

1.2.1. Employee

1.2.2. Employee

1.3. Benefits

1.3.1. Employee

1.3.2. Employee

2. Marketing

2.1. SEO

2.1.1. Employee

2.1.2. Employee

2.2. Social Media

2.2.1. Employee

2.2.2. Employee

2.3. Content

2.3.1. Employee

2.3.2. Employee

3. Finance

3.1. Funding

3.1.1. Employee

3.1.2. Employee

3.2. Tax filings

3.2.1. Employee

3.2.2. Employee

3.3. Payroll

3.3.1. Employee

3.3.2. Employee

4. Sales

4.1. Customer relationships

4.1.1. Employee

4.1.2. Employee

4.2. Deal construction

4.2.1. Employee

4.2.2. Employee

4.3. Revenue projections

4.3.1. Employee

4.3.2. Employee

5. Legal

5.1. Partnerships

5.1.1. Employee

5.1.2. Employee

5.2. Risks

5.2.1. Employee

5.2.2. Employee

5.3. Agreements

5.3.1. Employee

5.3.2. Employee

6. Product

6.1. Design

6.1.1. Employee

6.1.2. Employee

6.2. R & D

6.2.1. Employee

6.2.2. Employee

6.3. Upgrades

6.3.1. Employee

6.3.2. Employee