1. Environmental Energy
1.1. Is your living space cluttered and messy or simple and neat?
1.2. Do you keep stuff (like clothes) you no longer use?
1.2.1. Do you have unnecessary debt?
1.3. If you have a car, is it clean or just another place to keep your clutter and garbage?
1.4. Does your environment facilitate the emotions you consistently want to experience?
1.5. Does your environment drain or improve your energy?
2. Organizing Your Life
2.1. Financial Energy
2.1.1. Do you know how many dollars you spend each month?
2.1.2. Do you know how many dollars you make each month?
2.1.3. Are you making as much money as you’d like to be?
2.1.4. What’s holding you back from creating more value in other people’s lives?
2.2. Relational Energy
2.2.1. Are your relationships the most meaningful and enjoyable part of your life?
2.2.2. Do you spend enough time nurturing the relationships that really matter?
2.2.3. Do you maintain toxic relationships that no longer serve you?
2.2.4. Are you authentic and honest in your relationships?
2.3. Health Energy
2.3.1. Do you eat with the end in mind?
2.3.2. Are you conscious of and in control of the foods you put in your body?
2.3.3. Does the food you eat improve or worsen the other areas of your life?
2.3.4. Does your body reflect your highest ideals?
2.3.5. Is your body as strong and fit as you want it to be?
2.3.6. Do you have a sense of purpose in life?
2.3.7. Are you healthier now than you were three months ago?
2.4. Spiritual Energy
2.4.1. Have you come to terms with life and death in a way you resonate with?
2.4.2. How much power do you have in designing your future?
2.5. Time
2.5.1. How much of your time do you feel in complete control of?
2.5.2. Is your time being wasted on things you don’t intrinsically enjoy?
2.5.3. Are the activities you spend your time doing moving you toward your ideal future?
2.5.4. Are you spending most of your time furthering your own agenda or someone else’s?
2.5.5. What activities should you remove from your life?
2.5.6. How much time do you waste each day?
2.5.7. What would your ideal day look like?
2.5.8. What activities could you outsource or automate that take up your time?