Build strong page by organic reach

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Build strong page by organic reach by Mind Map: Build strong page by organic reach

1. Step 1: Build strong content, qualified post, variety of post type

2. Step 2: Facebook Graph Search or similar tool to target right audience

3. Step 3: Find and share in related group

4. Step 4: Seeding for page and drive traffic to fanpage

5. 5 considered factors

5.1. 1. Recent engage is good or bad???

5.2. 2. Type of post that audiences love recently

5.3. 3. Amount of engaged audience

5.4. 4. Time to post

5.5. 5. Consider the amount of click "I dont want to see this"

6. 3 small tips to increase engagement

6.1. 1. Ask a question:

6.1.1. - Make audience voice more important "Theo bạn phương pháp tốt nhất để dưỡng mi là gì?” “Phương pháp bạn thường áp dụng để làm dài mi là gì?”

6.2. 2. Reply every comment

6.2.1. - Customer are in the discussion

6.3. 3. Fill in the blank tip

6.3.1. - Audience has a chance to join Tết này, bạn sẽ phượt ở______ Trung Thu này, bạn sẽ _______ với ________