by verlinda safira yuniar
1. Systems Techniques
1.1. Flowchart Symbols
1.1.1. The basic sysmbols
1.1.2. Specialized input / output symbols
1.1.3. Specialized process symbols
1.2. Symbol Use in Flowchart
1.3. IPO and HIPO charts
1.4. Systems and Program Flowchart
1.5. Logical Data Flow Diagrams
1.6. Logical Data Flow Diagrams and Structured Analysis
1.7. Analysis, Document, and Form Distribution Flowchart
1.8. Analytic Flowcharting Illustration
1.8.1. Planning the flowchart
1.8.2. Symbol selection
1.8.3. System analysis
1.8.4. Drawing the flowchart
1.8.5. Sandwich Rule
1.8.6. Using the connector symbol
1.8.7. Entity - column relations
1.9. Business Process Diagrams
1.10. Narative Techniques
1.11. Resource Utilization Analysis
1.11.1. Work measurement
1.11.2. Work distribution analysis
1.12. Decision Analysis Techniques
1.12.1. Branching and decision tables
1.12.2. Matrix methods
1.13. Sofware for Systems Techniques
1.13.1. Microsoft office
1.13.2. Compurter - Aided software engineering
1.13.3. UML modeling tools
1.13.4. BPMN modeling tools