Scotch Yoke

Scotch Yoke series actuator is built to provide long and efficient service with minimum maintenance.

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Scotch Yoke by Mind Map: Scotch Yoke

1. Scotch Yoke

2. Scotch Yoke actutators

3. Scotch Yoke series actuator

4. Scotch Yoke electric actuator

5. Scotch Yoke pneumatic actuator

6. Scotch Yoke actreg actuator

7. The Scotch yoke is a mechanism for converting the linear motion of a slider into the rotational motion or vice versa. The piston, on the other hand, is directly coupled to a grooved slide so that it makes a pin on the rotating part. The shape of the piston movement is a pure sine wave in time, at a constant given the rotation speed. Advantages The advantages compared to a standard crankshaft and crankcase configuration standard are: Fewer moving parts. Smoother running. Increase in the percentage of time spent at the upper deadlock (inhabiting) improving the efficiency of the theoretical constant combustion engine of the volume cycles, although actual gains have not been demonstrated. In an engine application, the removal of the general gasket, served by a pin, and the near elimination of piston skirt and wear cylinder, such as side loading of the piston due to the sine connection of the bar angle is eliminated. Operating modes of actuators. Manual Operation: Performed by means of a handwheel, gearbox, hydraulic pump or hydraulic jack, the operator is always required on site and physical human work. Local Operation Manual: Performed through the operation of a button, lever or selector, the operator is always required on site, however the available power of the equipment is used. Remote Operation: Performed by a command sent from the control room or higher system, no on-site operator is required. Automatic operation: Performed autonomously and without dependence on the control room or superior system, it is not required from the operator on site.