Transformations Math 8

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Transformations Math 8 by Mind Map: Transformations Math 8

1. Translation

1.1. Another type of transformation is the translation or "slide." Translations take pre-image points and move them a given number of units horizontally and/or a given number of units vertically.

2. ISTE Standards

2.1. 1.Empowered Learner

2.2. 4. Innovative Designer

2.3. 6. Creative Communicator

3. Assessment

3.1. 1. Creative activity in class using the four transformations

3.1.1. Materials

3.1.2. Personnel

3.1.3. Services

3.1.4. Duration

3.2. 2. Unit test in class

4. Common Core Standards

4.1. CCSS.Math.Content.8.G.A.1 Verify experimentally the properties of rotations, reflections, and translations:

4.2. CCSS.Math.Content.8.G.A.2 Understand that a two-dimensional figure is congruent to another if the second can be obtained from the first by a sequence of rotations, reflections, and translations; given two congruent figures, describe a sequence that exhibits the congruence between them.

4.3. CCSS.Math.Content.8.G.A.3 Describe the effect of dilations, translations, rotations, and reflections on two-dimensional figures using coordinates.

5. Reflection

5.1. Reflections are transformations that involve "flipping" points over a given line. When a figure is reflected in a line, the points on the figure are mapped onto the points on the other side of the line which form the figure's mirror image.

6. Rotations

6.1. A second type of transformation is the rotation, also known as a "turn." A rotation, as its name suggests, takes pre-image points and rotates them by some specified angle measure about some fixed point.

7. Essential Question: How can you identify and compare the four congruence transformations and apply the pre-image and image to the coordinate plane?

8. Michael Curley and Alyssa DiBello

9. Key Idea and Questions

9.1. 1. How can you graph a translation, rotation, dilation and reflection on the coordinate plane?

9.2. 2. What steps do you use to map one figure onto another using these transformations?

10. Technology

10.1. 1. Socrative

10.2. 2. Smart notebook

10.3. 3. Chrome books

10.4. 4. Graphing Calculator

11. Dilation

11.1. A dilation is also known as a "stretch" or "shrink" depending on whether the image figure is larger or smaller than the pre-image figure.

12. Tranformations

13. Follow- up Activities 1. Group project using transformations. 2. Homework Assignment: Graph the image on the coordinate plane.