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Islam by Mind Map: Islam

1. "Hunters At A Stream" Most Islamic art used geometric and floral patterns, and calligraphy.

2. Sacred Texts

2.1. The holy book and primary text of Islam is The Qur'an

2.2. The Hadith is a collection of Islamic traditions and laws. Includes traditional sayings of Muhammad (peace be upon him.).

2.3. The Sufi texts is a collection of Islamic literature such as poetry and story-telling. Sufism is a mystical Islamic belief system.

3. Where did Islam spread and why?

3.1. Islam did not begin to spread until about the 7th Century, as rulers began to reach out to other nations.

3.1.1. The first Conversion to Islam is described to be the conversation of the town of Medina by the Prophet Muhammad (May peace be upon him).

3.2. The 1st-6th Centuries were spent defending the Muslim religion against the Meccans and Jews. At the start of the 7th Century, propaganda and outreach began, and many countries converted to the religion.

3.3. "Islam faces a very formidable enemy in form of the biased media in Europe and the Americas... In spite of all the hurdles, it is one of the fastest growing religions in the United States of America. It already has a strong presence in the United Kingdom, France and Germany. This speaks volumes about how this religion has spread and is spreading even now." (Rizvi, Sayyid Muhammad.)

3.4. "...the Ottoman Empire. It was ruled by a Turkish caliph and was governed by the millet system, a multi-religious, multi-cultural society. The Ottoman Empire dominated vast region of Christian land in Eastern Europe but it never forced its Christian citizens to convert to Islam; they were given the right to govern their own lives according to their own religious traditions." (Rizvi, Sayyid Muhammad.)

4. Pictures


4.2. Many Islamic prayer rugs have survived over hundreds of years.

5. Video


6. Political and Social Impact

6.1. Many conflicts between other religions and Islam took place.

6.2. Islam was in control of major cities such as Cairo and Baghdad, making it the dominant religion in the area. This led to discrimination of Christians there.

6.3. Islam mixed with West African Culture

6.4. Because Islam was monotheistic, unification of people was easier than with polytheistic societies.

6.4.1. Once people were unified, the amount of wars decreased.

6.5. Islam does not take away political power from leaders, but instead strengthens it, which is why many states adopted that religion.

6.6. Slave trade increased due to Islam because they believed that slavery was a path to conversion to their faith.

7. Core Beliefs

8. Origin/Founder

8.1. The founder of Islam is widely accepted to be the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who introduced the religion of Islam in Saudi Arabia, 610 A.D. Muhammad (peace be upon him) claimed to have been visited by angels and then dictated The Qur'an.

9. Six Articles of Faith

9.1. Belief in One God

9.2. Belief in Angels

9.3. Belief in the Prophet of God

9.4. Belief in Revealed Books of God

9.5. Belief in Day of Judgement

9.6. Belief in Destiny and Divine Decree

10. Five Pillars of Islam

10.1. Declaration of Faith

10.2. Daily Prayer

10.3. Zakah a Type of Charity

10.4. Fast Of Ramadan

10.5. The Hajj Pilgrimage to Mecca

11. Teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him.)

11.1. Actions are judged by the intentions behind them

11.2. Part of a Person's good observance of Islam is to Leave Aside what does not Concern Him

11.3. A Person cannot be a Complete Believer unless He Loves for His Brother what he Loves for Himself

11.4. God is Pure and does not Accept Anything Unless it is Pure and God has Commanded the Faithful with what he Commanded the Prophets

11.5. One should not Harm Himself or Others

11.6. Don't let your focus in this Life be to Amass Worldly gains and God will Love you. Don't be concerned with what people have, and they will love you.

12. Islamic Law/Shariah

12.1. Religion

12.2. Life

12.3. Family

12.4. Mind

12.5. Wealth

12.6. Possibly Justice or Liberty