Achieving Competitive Advantage with Information Systems

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Achieving Competitive Advantage with Information Systems by Mind Map: Achieving Competitive Advantage with Information Systems

1. Competing on Business Process

1.1. What is Business Process Management?

1.1.1. Process Management need to go trought the Following Steps Identify Process for Change Identify Process for Change

1.1.2. Business Process Reenginering

1.1.3. Business Process Reenginering

2. Competing On Quality and Design

2.1. What is Quality

2.2. How Information Systems Improve Quality

2.2.1. Reduce Cycle Time and Simplify the Production Process

2.2.2. Benchmark

2.2.3. Use Customers Demands to Improve Product and Services

2.2.4. Improve Design Quality and Precision

2.2.5. Improve Production Precision and Tighten Production Tolerances

3. Competing On a Global Scale

3.1. The Internet and Globalization

3.2. Global Business and Systems Strategis

3.3. Global Systems Configuration

4. Using Information Systems to Achieve Competitive Advantage

4.1. Porter's Competitive Forces Model

4.1.1. Traditional Competitors

4.1.2. New Market Entrants

4.1.3. Substitute Products and Services

4.1.4. Customers

4.1.5. Suppliers

4.2. Information Systems Strategies for Dealing with Competitive Forces

4.2.1. Basic Strategy 101 : Align the IT with the Business Objectives

4.2.2. Low-Cost Leadership

4.2.3. Product Defferentiation

4.2.4. Focus on Market Niche

4.2.5. Strengthen Customer and Supplier Intimacy

4.3. The Internet's Impact On Competitive Advantage

4.4. The Business Value Chain Model

4.4.1. Extending the Value Chain : the Value Web

4.5. Synergies, Core Competencies and Network-Based Strategies

4.5.1. Synergies

4.5.2. Enhancing Core Competencies

4.5.3. Network-Based Strategies

4.6. Disruptive Technologies : Riding The Wave