Archetypal heroes

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Archetypal heroes by Mind Map: Archetypal heroes

1. Atalanta

1.1. Primary Traits

1.1.1. Adventurous "To Atalanta, however, it was only the beginning of her adventures. '(249)

1.1.2. Athletic "...she declared that she would marry whoever could beat her in a foot race."(249)

1.2. Hamartia

1.2.1. Being a woman "Some of the heroes resented her presence and it felt it beneath them to go hunting with a woman, but Meleager insisted and they finally gave in to him."(247)

1.3. Situational Archetype

1.3.1. The unhealable wound

1.4. Primary Motivation

1.4.1. Competitive "Fleet-footed young men were always arriving to race with her and she always outran them."(249)

1.5. Super Power or Specialized Skill

1.5.1. archery " She stood still and fitted an arrow to her bow and shot. A second arrow followed. Both Centaurs fell mortally injured." (246)

1.6. Reflection of Culture

1.6.1. The story represented to the greeks that women can be just as powerful as men.

1.7. Archetypal Journey

1.7.1. The Road of Trials "By the favor of Aphrodite, always on the lookout to subdue wild young young maidens who despised love, this ingenious young man, who name was either Melanion )Milanion) or Hippomenes, got three wondrous apples, all of pure gold , beautiful as those that grew in the garden of the Hesperides,"(251)

1.8. The Heroic Archetype

1.8.1. Proto Feminist Hero "Some heroes resented her presence and felt it beneath them to go hunting with a woman, but Meleager insisted and they finally gave in."(247)

1.9. Characteristic of Journey

1.9.1. The origin of the hero is mysterious or the hero losses his/her parents at a young age, being raised by animals or a wise guardian. " A she-bear took charge of her, nursed her and kept her warm."(246)

1.9.2. Hero suffers an unhealable wound , sometimes an emotional or spiritual wound from which the hero never completely recovers. "...when a daughter and not a son was born to him, was of course, bitterly disappointed." (246)

2. Hercules

2.1. Archetypal Journey

2.1.1. The hero has help from divine or supernatural forces. "He was helped by Athena to drive them out of their coverts."(233)

2.2. primary motivation

2.2.1. redemption "He needed to be purified, she told him, only a terrible penance could do that." (231)

2.3. Situational Archetype

2.3.1. The task "The tasks Eurystheus gave him to do are called "the Labors of Hercules" . There were twelve of them and each one was all but impossible." (232)

2.4. Super Power or Specialized Skill

2.4.1. superhuman strength "Hercules was the strongest man on Earth. " (225)

2.5. Primary Traits

2.5.1. self confident "Hercules was the strongest man on earth

2.5.2. courage "Except for unflinching courage, they were not those that distinguished Thesues

2.6. Hamartia

2.6.1. He is very angry "When the rage had passed and he had come to himself he would show a most disarming penitence and agree humbly to any punishment it was proposed to inflict on him." (226)

2.7. Reflection of Culture

2.7.1. The Greeks loved Hercules and they thought he was a great hero but they also thought he was very stupid and hot-headed as he hurt people on accident and on purpose.

2.8. Heroic Archetype

2.8.1. Unbalanced Hero "Hera who never forgot a wrong, sent the madness upon him.' (229)

2.9. Characteristics of Journey

2.9.1. The hero meets monsters or monstrous men "The first was to kill the lion of Nemea, a beast no weapons could wound." (232)

2.9.2. The hero suffers an unhealable wound,sometimes an emotional or spiritual wound from which the hero never completely recovers. " He had killed his family. Therefore he was defiled and a defiler of others.' (231)

2.9.3. The hero years for the beautiful lady who is sometimes his guide or inspiration "He was devoted to her and to their children and yet this marriage brought upon him the greatest sorrow of his life as well as trials and dangers such as no one ever went through, before or after."(229)

3. Theseus

3.1. Primary Motivation

3.1.1. being good "He declared to the people that he did not wish to rule over them;he wanted a people's government where all would be equal."(215)

3.2. Primary Traits

3.2.1. fair "His idea of dealing justice was simple, but effective: what each had done to others, Theseus did to him." (209)

3.2.2. noble "All loved him for his goodness and admired him for his nobility, but they had no idea that he intended to try to kill the Minotaur."(212)

3.3. Super Power or Specialized skill

3.3.1. intellegence "A man of great intellect"(225)

3.4. Situational Archetype

3.4.1. The Initiation "The child was a boy and he grew up strong far beyond others, so that when his mother finally took him to the stone he lifted it with no trouble at all." (209)

3.5. Hamartia

3.5.1. cunning "His idea of dealing justice was simple, but effective: what each had done to others, Theseus did to him." (209)

3.6. Reflection of Culture

3.6.1. The Athens thought he was a good hero because he thought everyone should be equal and he was fair and rid they trail of bad people.

3.7. Archetypal Journey

3.7.1. The warrior's journey to save his people "The journey was very long and hazardous because of the bandits that beset the road. He killed them all, however he left not one alive to trouble future travelers." (209)

3.8. Heroic Archetype

3.8.1. Hero as warrior: a near god-like hero faces physical challenges and external enemies. "All loved him for his goodness and admired him for his nobility, but had no idea that he intended to try to kill the Minotaur."(212)

3.9. Characteristic of Journey

3.9.1. The hero returns to the land of his/her birth in disguise or as an unknown "When he reached Athens he was an acknowledged hero and he was invited to a banquet by the King, who was unaware that Theseus was his son."(210)

3.9.2. The hero is naive and inexperienced

3.9.3. The hero meets monsters or monstrous men. ''THe Minotaur was a monster, half bull, half human , the offspring of Mino's wife Pasiphae and a wonderfully beautiful bull." (211)

4. Jason

4.1. primary movitation

4.1.1. getting the golden fleece "They stopped for nothing, and that same day at sunset they reached Colchis,the country of the Golden Fleece." (169)

4.2. Primary Traits

4.2.1. ambition " He thought of ambition only, never love or gratitude" (177)

4.2.2. adventurous "The idea of the great adventure was delightful to Jason" (164)

4.3. Super Power or specialized skills

4.3.1. Invincible "At last Medea spoke and told him how to use the charm and that when it was sprinkled on his weapons it would make him invincible for the day."(173)

4.4. Situational Archetype

4.4.1. the task "golden fleece"

4.5. Hamartia/ tragic flaw

4.5.1. too ambitious "He thought of ambition only, never of love and gratitude."(173)

4.6. Reflection of Culture

4.6.1. The Greeks probably valued Jason's adventurous spirit but did not value his ambition. This is because his tragic flaw is his ambition.

4.7. Archetypal Journey

4.7.1. The quest to rid the land of danger "...He came back boldly to claim the kingdom from his wicked cousin."(163)

4.8. The Heroic Archetype

4.8.1. Hero as warriors "With that, the warriors turned upon each other and fell beneath their own spears while the furrows ran with blood."(174)

4.9. Characteristic of Journey

4.9.1. The hero struggles for something important or valuable "I have come to my house to recover the ancient honor of my house,"(163)

4.9.2. The hero has a loyal band of companions ". Hercules, the greatest of all heroes, was there; Orpheus, the master musician; Castor with his brother Pollux; Achilles' father, Peleus; and many others."(164)

5. Perseus

5.1. Primary Traits

5.1.1. daring " He would go off and kill Medusa and bring back her head as a gift"

5.1.2. proud "He was young and proud and keenly mortified.(200)

5.2. Situational Archetype

5.2.1. task/the journey " He would go off and kill Medusa and bring back her head as a gift.(200)

5.3. Primary Motivation

5.3.1. Getting something for others ...He would give him a present better than any there. (200)

5.4. Reflection of Culture

5.4.1. The gods like that he was daring and brave but don't like that he was proud because he being proud/vain is bad and the gods will get angry at you.

5.5. Super Power or Specialized Skill

5.5.1. invincibility "A cap which made the wearer invisible." (203)

5.6. Heroic Archetype

5.6.1. The Warrior " He himself, Hermes said, would give him a sword to attack Medusa with-which could not be bent or broken by the Gorgon scales."(202)

5.7. Archetypal Journey

5.7.1. departure "He took ship as soon as he left the King's hall, not daring to see his mother first and tell her what he intended." (200)

5.7.2. Initiation '' When and how Hermes and Athena came to his help is not told in any story, but he must have known despair before they did so."(201)

5.7.3. The Road of Trials " When and how Hermes and Athena came to his help is not told in any story." (201)

5.8. Characteristic of Journey

5.8.1. Hero is naive and inexperienced " It seemed that Perseus had been led by his angry pride into making an empty boast." (200)

5.8.2. The hero struggles for something valuable or important. "With a single sweep of his sword he cut through her neck and, his eyes still fixed on the shield with never a glance at her, he swooped low enough to seize the head. He dropped it into the wallet which closed around it." (204)

5.8.3. The hero has a strange, wise being and a mentor. " He would know that this could be none other than Hermes , the guide and the giver of good. " (201)

5.9. Hamartia/ Character Flaws

5.9.1. ill prepared " It seemed that Perseus had been led by his angry pride into making an angry boast. No man unaided could kill Medusa." (200)

6. Odysseus

6.1. Primary Traits

6.1.1. resourceful "a man of great resourcefulness"(302) sad "But odysseus was utterly wretched."(295)

6.2. Primary Motivations

6.2.1. Seeing his family "He longed for his home, his wife, his son."(295)

6.3. Superpower or Specialized Skill

6.3.1. being pitied "[...] and Athena was sorriest of all."(294)

6.4. Situational Archetype

6.4.1. the fall "Poseidon broke off the jagged bit of rock to which he was clinging."(293)

6.5. Hamartia

6.5.1. being arrogant "He would have been saved if in his mad folly he had not cried out that he was one that the sea could not drown. Such arrogance always aroused the anger of the gods."(293)

6.6. Reflection of Culture

6.6.1. I think this story reflects that the Greeks believed that if you were arrogant or vain you should be punished but if after your punishment is over and you have changed you could get a second chance.

6.7. Archetypal Journey

6.7.1. Journey to find promised land(home) "He wandered 10 years before he saw his home" (293)

6.8. Heroic Archetype

6.8.1. Hero as warrior (Odysseus) But Odysseus kept his courage. He held them off with his sharp weapon until he saw the ghost of Teiresias."(309)

6.9. Characteristics of Journey

6.9.1. Hero yearns for lady "He longed for his home, his wife [...]"(295)

6.9.2. Hero struggles for something of value "Wandered for 10 years"(293)

6.9.3. Monster " The next adventure was with the Cyclops