My Sophomore Year

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My Sophomore Year により Mind Map: My Sophomore Year

1. Where are they now?

1.1. Standards

1.2. Journal

1.3. My Notes

1.4. Interview Questions

1.5. reflection . . .

2. The Odyssey

2.1. Standards

2.2. My Magazine

2.3. Hero or Criminal Essay

2.4. Laws That Should Have Applied To Odysseus

2.5. reflection . . .

3. My Three Essays

3.1. Standards

3.2. Service Learning Project

3.3. Your School

3.4. Harmless Entertainment?

3.5. reflection . . .

4. World Oppression and Slavery: Past to Present

4.1. Standards

4.2. My Website.

4.3. Oppression Essay

4.4. reflection . . .

5. The Adventures of Marco Polo

5.1. Standards

5.2. Christianity Video

5.3. Christianity Notes

5.4. Geographical View

5.5. reflection...

6. BioHealth

6.1. DNA in the Courtroom

6.1.1. Standards

6.1.2. DNA Pamphlet

6.1.3. DNA Movie

6.1.4. reflection . . .

6.2. Microbes

6.2.1. Standards

6.2.2. Video

6.2.3. reflection . . .

7. Psychology: Old Aging

7.1. Standards

7.2. Old Age Video

7.3. reflection . . .

8. Algebra II

8.1. Standards

8.2. Parabola Session Video

8.3. Fundraising

8.3.1. Graphs

8.3.2. Presentation

8.3.3. Fundraising Ideas

8.4. reflection . . .