My Sophomore year!

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My Sophomore year! создатель Mind Map: My Sophomore year!

1. DNA in the court room

1.1. B.1.6

1.1.1. Show that a living cell is composed mainly of a small number of chemical elements – carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorous, and sulfur. Recognize that carbon can join to other carbon atoms in chains and rings to form large and complex molecules.

1.2. Critical Thinking/problem solving

2. Baby no Baby

2.1. B.2.1

2.1.1. Distinguish between what words mean literally and what they imply, and interpret what words imply.

2.2. Peer collaboration

3. Knock outs

3.1. 10.7.1

3.1.1. Use props, visual aids, graphs, and electronic media to enhance the appeal and accuracy of presentations.

3.2. Technology

4. Hinduism

4.1. 10.2.1

4.1.1. Analyze the structure and format of various informational documents and explain how authors use the features to achieve their purposes.

4.2. Technology

5. Town of Cell

5.1. 10.2.1

5.1.1. Analyze the structure and format of various informational documents and explain how authors use the features to achieve their purposes.

5.2. Technolgy

5.3. Work Ethic

6. Oppression in Modern Cuba

6.1. 10.4.1

6.1.1. Discuss ideas for writing with classmates, teachers, and other writers and develop drafts alone and collaboratively.

6.2. Technology

7. Introduction Letter

7.1. This is where you start.

8. Odyssey

8.1. 10.4.1

8.1.1. Discuss ideas for writing with classmates, teachers, and other writers and develop drafts alone and collaboratively.

8.2. Work ethic

9. Pancho villa Interview

9.1. 10.5.1

9.1.1. Write biographical or autobiographical narratives or short stories

9.2. Technology

10. Big Boy DNA strand

10.1. B.1.1

10.1.1. Recognize that and explain how the many cells in an individual can be very different from one another, even though they are all descended from a single cell and thus have essentially identical genetic instructions

10.2. Work Ethic

11. Personal Activities

11.1. Tennis

11.1.1. Citizenship

11.1.2. Work ethic

11.1.3. Critical thinking and Problem solving

11.2. Band

11.2.1. Citizenship

11.2.2. Work ethic

11.3. Baseball

11.3.1. Communication

11.3.2. Citizenship

11.3.3. Work ethic

11.4. Family

11.4.1. Citizenship

11.4.2. Communication

12. Marching contest

12.1. H.2.1

12.1.1. Play simple melodies, themes, and motives from works being studied.

12.2. Citizenship

12.3. Work Eithic

13. Conclusion URL

13.1. This is where you will find the conclusion letter.

13.2. This is where you end.