1. Information taken from Mosby's Canadian Textbook for the Support Worker - 4th Edition.
2. Five Dimensions of Health
2.1. Physical
2.1.1. Influenced by genetics and lifestyle, physical health is achieved when the body is strong, fit, and free from disease.
2.1.2. Support workers have an important role in maintaining clients' physical health. For instance, they help ensure a clean, safe, and comfortable environment; may prepare nutritious meals; and may assist clients with physical activity.
2.1.3. The following factors contribute to the physical health of all people, including caregivers: Following a nutritious diet according to Canada's Food guide. Exercising regularly. Living in a smoke free environment. Drinking alcohol moderately or not at all. Having a good night's sleep. Maintaining optimal body weight according to body mass index. Following safety practices such as using seat belts and bike helmets. Seeking medical attention when needed.
2.2. Emotional
2.2.1. Emotional health is not merely the absence of negative emotions but the ability to function well in and adapt appropriately to circumstances
2.2.2. When people feel good about themselves, they are emotionally healthy. They have strong self-esteem, self-control, and self-awareness. They are able to give and receive from others without worrying about being hurt or rejected
2.2.3. Emotional Health varies though one's life.
2.2.4. Emotionally unhealthy people may be depressed or have intense feelings of insecurity. When upset, they may feel overwhelmed and become aggressive
2.2.5. Support workers work with emotionally healthy as well as emotionally unhealthy individuals. Learn to read your clients' emotions so that you can respond in a caring manner.
2.3. Social
2.3.1. Socially healthy people treat others with respect, warmth, and openness. They like and trust others.
2.3.2. Social health is achieved through stable and satisfying relationships.
2.3.3. People with poor social health may show little regard for others and may use others for their own gain.
2.3.4. Few people enjoy strong social health all though life.
2.4. Spiritual
2.4.1. They feel their life has meaning.
2.4.2. They are more concerned about personal fulfillment than about material things
2.4.3. Compassion, honesty, humility, forgiveness, and charity are elements of spiritual health
2.4.4. Achieved thought belief in a purpose greater than the self.
2.4.5. For some people, spiritual health is closely linked to religion. Being able to attend regular religious worship may be very important for their spiritual health
2.5. Cognitive
2.5.1. Cognitively healthy people maintain curiosity throughout life. They are interested in what is going on around them, they analyze, reason and solve problems. They are open-minded and eager to learn.
2.5.2. People who have cognitive health challenges may try to avoid participating in community and world events and avoid being involved in the lives of others.
2.5.3. People of different cultures may express their spirituality in unique ways
2.5.4. As a support worker: You can promote your clients' cognitive health by encouraging them to perform activities such as reading, doing crossword puzzles, keeping indoor plants, doing crafts, and knitting. Talk with them about community and world events. Challenge the mind and keep it active
2.6. Optimal Health
2.6.1. Optimal health, or wellness, is the achievement of the best health possible in all five dimensions of one's life
2.6.2. Although many people try to achieve wellness, few actually have it. It is difficult to be healthy in all areas of life all the time.
3. Four Basic Principles of Health Care Ethics
3.1. Autonomy
3.1.1. Also called Self-determination
3.1.2. Means having the freedom and choice to make decisions that affect one's life.
3.1.3. As a support worker you must always respect your clients' choices and preferences.
3.1.4. Physicians, facilities and agencies must ensure that clients give informed consent before any procedure is performed on them. Clients decide what kind of treatment they want or do not want.
3.1.5. Respecting your client's autonomy also means that you do not judge their choices or lifestyles. Do not give advice to clients, and never express your disapproval or opinions about their choices, preferences, politics, religion or lifestyle.
3.2. Beneficence
3.2.1. Means doing or promoting good.
3.2.2. The principle of Beneficence is central to work of an HCA. Support work is about promoting wellness, helping people in their daily lives and supporting them during difficult times.
3.2.3. To apply the principle of beneficence in your work life, always consider meeting the client's needs to be your most important function. That means the client's needs come before those of his or her family.
3.2.4. Concept of beneficence and professionalism are closely related. To meet your clients' needs, stay within the boundaries of a professional helping relationship.
3.2.5. It may be necessary for an HCA to advocate for the client, in order to do the most good for them. It is important you share your observations with the health care team.
3.2.6. To do the most good, always give your best effort at work.
3.3. Nonmaleficence
3.3.1. To avoid harming a client, perform only tasks that you have been trained to do.
3.3.2. Never release information about diagnose or medical, surgical or treatment plans.
3.3.3. To provide safe and effective care, keep skills and knowledge current. Participate in educational programs offered by your employer. Consider enrolling in courses or workshops relevant to your work. Support work is continually changing, what you are trained to do this year may become outdated in a few years.
3.3.4. You must keep the client as safe as possible. You can protect them from harm by practicing infection control technique, and by recognizing common safety hazards and knowing how to prevent accidents..
3.4. Means doing no harm.
3.4.1. Harm can be intentional (abuse) or unintentional (accidental injury or negligence.
3.5. Justice
3.5.1. The principle of Justice means that all people should be treated in a fair and equal manner.
3.5.2. Justice is an ideal that is central to Canada's universal health care system All Canadians, regardless of their ability to pay, receive equal access to the same medical services. Unfortunately this ideal is not a reality for all people across Canada.
3.5.3. Uphold the principle by being concerned for all clients regardless of their conditions or temperaments. Every client deserves attention and care equally and not doing so would be unjust and unethical.
3.5.4. Treating people justly also means not to betray their trust. Clients trust that you handle their possessions with care, respect their privacy and perform serves competently and skillfully, and that you keep all conversations and health information confidential.