Differentiating Learning

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Differentiating Learning by Mind Map: Differentiating Learning

1. Process

1.1. What to Do

1.1.1. Vary Activities

1.1.2. Vary Skills

1.2. How to Do It

1.2.1. Vary Groups

1.2.2. Vary Modalities Used

2. Content

2.1. HOW to Access

2.1.1. Readiness

2.1.2. Interest

2.1.3. Learning Profile Modality Multiple Intelligence

2.2. What to Access

2.2.1. Variety

2.2.2. Depth

2.2.3. Complexity

2.2.4. Organization Whole-to-Part Part-to-Whole

3. Product

3.1. Demonstrating Understanding

3.2. New node

4. Learning Profile

4.1. Interest Inventories

4.2. Learning Style Inventories

4.3. Needs Identification

5. Readiness

5.1. Skill Level (Reading/Math etc)

5.2. Background Knowledge/Skills

5.3. Culture

5.4. Gender

6. Interest

6.1. Developmental Level

6.2. Gender

6.3. Culture

7. Assessment

7.1. Blooms

7.2. Depth of Knowledge/Complexity

7.3. Type

7.3.1. Purpose

8. Learning Environment