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1. Morphological Analysis

1.1. Analyse shape, size, colour, and basic characteristics

1.2. we use drawings

1.3. we study its ergonomic characteristics to evaluated how suitable is for humans

2. Technical Analysis

2.1. We evaluate how the object was made

2.2. Analysis include the study of each materials, the technology used to make it, how are conecting between them and the envaronmental risks

3. Aesthetic Analysis

3.1. We evaluate how our senses react to the object, appearence, if its looks nice or not, if we find attractive, etc.

3.2. This analysis is important for some products that could motivate people to buy

4. Economical Analysis

4.1. Analyse the finalcial cost of manufacturing the product and its selling price

4.2. We study the finalcial cost of manufacturing produces used are cheap or wheter they make the product cheper

4.3. We determine whether the selling price of the object is correct by comparing it to similar objects

5. Social Analysis

5.1. We study the object from the point of social impact and analyse the human needs

5.2. We evaluate its environmental impact and recyclability

6. Historical Analysis

6.1. We evaluate the possible reason why the object emerged and the historic that contains

6.2. We also analyse its possible future development

7. Funtional Analysis

7.1. We study how it works, utility, used and potencial risks

7.2. We also analyse the function of each part of the object