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Lidl by Mind Map: Lidl

1. Responsibility

1.1. Sustainability

1.1.1. Recycling

1.1.2. Animal welfare

1.1.3. Purchasing sustainable products

1.2. Society

1.2.1. Prevention of food waste: 'Voedselbank'

1.2.2. Healthy & fresh products

2. Lowest price

2.1. Simplicity

2.2. Highest quality

2.3. Efficiency

3. Customer Focus

3.1. Webshop

3.2. Short leadtime at cash desk

3.3. providing recpices

3.4. 100% customer care

4. Highest quality

4.1. Best tested

4.1.1. Vegetables & Fruit

4.2. Fresh products

5. Wide product range

5.1. Supermarkt product assortment

5.2. Fashion

5.3. Holidays

5.4. Home decoration/ Furniture

5.5. Electronics