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Tourism by Mind Map: Tourism

1. touroperator & travelagency

1.1. TUI

1.2. Neckermann

1.3. USA travel

2. types of accomodation

2.1. hotel

2.1.1. Sheraton hotel

2.1.2. W hotel

2.1.3. San Carlos hotel

2.2. hostel

2.2.1. Abraham hostel

2.2.2. Van der bilt YMCA

2.2.3. The shelter

2.3. boat

2.3.1. botel

2.3.2. Costa cruises

2.3.3. MCS cruises

3. types of tourism

3.1. domestic

3.2. inbound

3.3. outbound

4. types of transport

4.1. airlines

4.1.1. KLM

4.1.2. Qatar

4.1.3. Ryanair

4.2. bus company

4.2.1. BCS

4.2.2. London travelin

4.2.3. tripperbus

4.3. travel agency

4.3.1. D-reizen

4.3.2. vakantie expert

4.3.3. Sawadee reizen