My portfollio

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My portfollio by Mind Map: My portfollio

1. DNA in the Courtroom

1.1. Standard: B.1.21

1.2. SWLO: Communication, work ethic, collaboration

1.3. Reflection:

2. Knockouts Project

2.1. Standard:B.1.9

2.2. SWLO: work ethic, collaboration, communication

2.3. Reflection:

3. "Life is a competition" Essay

3.1. Standard:10.1.1

3.2. SWLO: work ethic, critical thinking

3.3. Reflection:

4. Cancer Project

4.1. Standard: 10.7.6

4.2. SWLO: Communication,work ethic, collaboration

4.3. Reflection:

5. Algebra 2 Test

5.1. Grade: 86/100

5.2. Work Ethic

5.3. Reflection:

5.4. Standard:7

6. All About me PowerPoint

6.1. Standard:

6.2. SWLO: work ethic, technology

6.3. Reflection:

7. World History Picture Vocab

7.1. Standard: 1.1.12

7.2. SWLO: Technology, critical thinking

7.3. Reflection:

8. Slavery Web Page

8.1. Standard: 2

8.2. SWLO: work ethic , technology

8.3. Reflection:

9. Intro

10. Conclusion