Over-all Learning Success(=

This is a portfolio of my overall learning from projects/assignments over the year, that shows my growth as a learner.

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Over-all Learning Success(= by Mind Map: Over-all Learning Success(=

1. Power Point Presentations

1.1. Standard 10.7.4

1.2. DNA In The Courtroom

1.3. Reflection

2. Essays

2.1. Standard 5 and 7

2.2. Harmless Entertainment Essay

2.3. Service Learning Project Essay

2.4. Your School Essay

2.5. Reflection

3. Biology

3.1. Standard AH4

3.2. Knock Outs

3.3. Reflection

4. Evaluation

4.1. Standard 10.4.9

4.2. Protfolio

4.3. Reflection

5. Grammar & Mechanics of Writting

5.1. Standard 10.6.2

5.2. Fable

5.3. Reflection

6. Writting

6.1. Standard 3

6.2. Odyssey Jeopardy

6.3. Reflection

7. Technical Vocabulary in Reading

7.1. Standard 10.1.1

7.2. Letter to Future Self

7.3. Reflection

8. The Personal Website

8.1. Standard 10.4.9

8.2. Reflection

9. Resarch Application

9.1. Standard 10.5.9

9.2. Slavery in England

9.3. Reflection

10. Counclusion