PC' s Component

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PC' s Component by Mind Map: PC' s Component

1. Memory

1.1. RAM

1.2. ROM

1.3. CMOS

2. Output devices

2.1. Computer display or moniter

2.2. Printers

2.3. Speaker

3. Power supply

3.1. Power supply screws

3.2. Power supply

4. Input Device

4.1. mouse

4.2. keyboard

4.3. scanner

4.4. Webcam

5. Motherboard

5.1. peripherals

5.2. interface cards

5.3. daughtercards: sound cards, video cards, network cards, hard drives,...

5.4. other forms of persistent storage

5.5. TV tuner cards

5.6. cards providing extra USB or FireWire slots

6. Render Device

6.1. VGA Card

6.2. Graphics Card