Types of Web Based Application

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Types of Web Based Application por Mind Map: Types of Web Based Application

1. Collaborative

1.1. Chat room

1.2. e-learning platform

2. Portal oriented

2.1. Online shopping mall

2.2. Community portal

2.3. Business portal

3. Ubiquitous

3.1. Customized service

3.2. Location aware services

3.3. Multi platform delivery

4. Semantic web

4.1. Knowledge management

4.2. Syndication

4.3. Recommender system

5. Document Centric

5.1. Static homepage

5.2. Web radio

5.3. Company website

6. Interactive

6.1. Virtual exhibition

6.2. News site

6.3. Travel planning

7. Transactional

7.1. Online banking

7.2. Online shopping

7.3. Booking system

8. Workflow-based

8.1. e-government

8.2. B2B solution