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Sociology by Mind Map: Sociology

1. why study it

1.1. understand how behavior is influenced by social factors

1.2. allow you to see different perspectives

1.3. balance personal desires with their social environment

1.4. find your place both within society and history

2. social science

2.1. human behavior

2.1.1. Project specifications

2.1.2. End User requirements

2.1.3. Action points sign-off

2.2. other social sciences

2.2.1. anthropology

2.2.2. psychology

2.2.3. economics

2.2.4. political science

2.2.5. history

2.3. institutions of human society

2.3.1. Top Priorities

2.3.2. Medium Priorities

2.3.3. Low Priorities

2.4. functions of human society

3. sociological imagination

3.1. the ability to see the relationship between individual experiences and the larger society

4. aspects

4.1. social interaction

4.1.1. how people relate to one another and influence one another's behavior

4.2. social phenomena

4.2.1. observable facts or events in human society