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1. Faktor pengeluaran

1.1. CAPITAL - to create other goods and services.

1.2. LABOUR - Productive work

1.3. ENTREPRENEURSHIP - to produce and sell products.

1.4. Land

1.4.1. primary factor

1.4.2. passive factor

1.4.3. derived demand

2. Scarcity

2.1. relative limited resources

2.2. unlimited human want

3. Basic Econimic Questions

3.1. What

3.1.1. decides the types and quantities of goods/services to be produced (goverment)

3.2. How

3.2.1. Government decides the production methods

3.3. Who

3.4. when

3.4.1. will receive the goals

4. choice

4.1. deciding between different uses of scarce resources

4.2. Opportunity Cost (Next Best alternative

5. Supply and the law of supply

6. Markets and Prices

7. Economic or business cycle

8. Monetary policy

9. Macroeconomics-Gross

10. Domestic Product

11. Microeconomi

11.1. small-scale economic activities

11.1.1. individual

11.1.2. company

11.2. how household and firm interact in markets with one another ( to decision-making and)

12. Macroeconomics

12.1. entire economy

12.1.1. total amount of goods and services produced

12.1.2. total income earned

12.1.3. the level of employment of productive resources

12.1.4. the general behavior of prices

12.2. develop models that explain the relationship between such factors as:

12.2.1. national income,

12.2.2. output,

12.2.3. Consumption,

12.2.4. unemployment,

12.2.5. inflation,

12.2.6. savings,

12.2.7. Investment,

12.2.8. international trade,

12.2.9. international finance

13. type of Economy systems

13.1. traditional economy

13.1.1. Technology is not used and difficult to improve.

13.1.2. rural, under developed country

13.2. commad economy

13.2.1. controlled economy- government makes all decisions.

13.3. market economy

13.3.1. production are privately owned

13.3.2. Buyer and sellers (responsible for the choices they make)

13.3.3. Free market or laissez-faire economy

13.3.4. Disadvantages private market economy (unemployment, inflation, growth) satisfy the wants they have created through advertising.

13.3.5. Advantages gives producers an incentive to produce goods that consumers want. nvolves a high degree of economic freedom keeping costs down and production high.

13.4. mixed economy

13.4.1. All Factors of production, distribution and other types of economic activities controlled by both private and governmental entities.

13.4.2. private industry compete with the obtaining to obtain profit.

14. Demand and the law of demand

15. Elasticity

16. Market structure

17. Fiscal Policy