The Wings of the Butterfly Chapter One

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The Wings of the Butterfly Chapter One by Mind Map: The Wings of the Butterfly Chapter One

1. Pg. 2-3 Reread

1.1. How can you tell that Chimidyue desires to have new adventures?

2. Pg. 3 Idioms

2.1. What does the phrase "all fingers and thumbs" mean?

3. Pg. 4-5 Ask and Answer

3.1. Remember we ask questions about our text to help us remember. What is important on this page?

3.1.1. What question can we ask? Now lets answer it!

4. Pg. 6-8 Reread

4.1. Whom does Chimidyue meet in this chapter? What happens when she talks to each animal?

4.1.1. How does Chimidyue feel as she meets each animal?