Map of Successes

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Map of Successes by Mind Map: Map of Successes

1. Wix personal page

2. Conclusion letter(Read last)

3. Introduction letter(Read 1st)

4. Spanish2

4.1. TPR

4.2. Standard

5. Academics

5.1. ACT test results

5.2. Class rank

5.3. Reading Level

6. Bio-Health

6.1. Mission 3/Food Prep

6.1.1. Standard

7. English/World History

7.1. Essays

7.1.1. Service Learning Project

7.1.2. Life is a Competiton

7.1.3. Harmless Entertainment

7.2. Religion project

7.2.1. Standard

7.3. Interim Assessments

7.3.1. Standards

7.4. Visual Vocabulary

7.4.1. Standard

7.5. Two Views of the Treatment of Indians

7.5.1. Standard

8. Nutrition and Wellness

8.1. Unit tests

8.2. Unit Review

8.2.1. Standard

9. New node