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California by Mind Map: California

1. California is 423.970 km²

1.1. Denmark is 43.098,31 km²

1.2. so California is 9 times bigger than Denmark.

2. Map

3. There live 39.250.017 in california

3.1. There live 5.748.769 in Denmark

3.2. so there live 6 times more in California

4. the tre most exciting

4.1. The golden gate

4.2. The hollywood sign

4.3. National park

5. California was not a part of USA until 1847.

5.1. In 1850 California became the 31'st state, and is now the third largest state.

6. climate

6.1. City

6.2. desert

6.3. Forest

6.4. farming

7. capital

7.1. Sacramento

8. Pictures

9. Mickey