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New Mexico by Mind Map: New Mexico

1. New Mexico 314,915 is 2 time the size of Denmark

1.1. Tnere are 2081 inhabitants the state

2. New Mexico

3. There are rain and warm in New Mexico

4. New Mexico's nickname is Land Of Enchantment

4.1. New Mexico is af course in the United States

5. Funny fax on New Mexico

5.1. It is said that there are spaceships

5.2. Do you go to any restaurant and order burrito or enchilada will they always ask you if you want red, green or christmas? (chili) But that's the same.

5.3. There are two rute 66's. One is new, one is old. The old are a country road and the new are a motorway. But the funny is they cross each other several times.

6. Santa Fe is the capital in New Mexico

7. Must see in New Mexico

7.1. Carlsbad Caverns