Data Analysis

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Data Analysis by Mind Map: Data Analysis

1. BioHealth

1.1. Organelles

1.1.1. English Standards

1.1.2. Reflection

1.1.3. Artifact

1.2. Baby No Baby

1.2.1. English Standards

1.2.2. Reflection

2. Essays

2.1. Harmless Entertainment?

2.2. Life is a competition

2.3. Life is a competition

3. Collage Preparation Tests

3.1. Star Reading Score

3.2. ACT Score

3.3. Reflection

4. World History/English 10 ELA

4.1. Religion Project

4.1.1. Standards 10.1.4

4.1.2. Reflection

4.1.3. Artifact

4.2. Odyssey

4.2.1. Standards 10.1.2

4.2.2. Reflection

4.2.3. Artifact (Requires Google Earth to view)

4.3. Renaissance

4.3.1. Standards 10.4.9

4.3.2. Reflection

4.3.3. Artifact (Requires Google Sketch Up to view)

4.4. Oppression

4.4.1. Standards 10.4.10

4.4.2. Reflection

4.4.3. Artifact

5. Personal Web Page