My Success at Calumet New Tech

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My Success at Calumet New Tech by Mind Map: My Success at Calumet New Tech

1. Oppression Web Page

1.1. Web Page

1.2. Reflection

1.3. 10.2.3 Demonstrate use of sophisticated technology by following technical directions.

2. "The Industrial Revolution" Work Packet

2.1. Artifact

2.1.1. Page 1

2.1.2. Page 2

2.1.3. Page 3

2.1.4. Page 4

2.1.5. Page 5

2.1.6. Page 6

2.1.7. Page 7

2.1.8. Page 8

2.1.9. Page 9

2.1.10. Page 10

2.1.11. Page 11

2.1.12. Page 12

2.2. Reflection

2.3. Standards

2.3.1. 10.1.1 Understand technical vocabulary in subject area reading.

2.3.2. 10.3.5 Compare works that express a universal theme and provide evidence to support the views expressed in each work.

3. Investigating the History of Slavery

3.1. Artifact

3.1.1. Page 1

3.1.2. Page 2

3.1.3. Page 3

3.2. Reflection

3.3. 10.2.5 Make reasonable statements and draw conclusions about a text, supporting them with accurate examples.

4. Survey Link

4.1. Come here last

5. Baby No Baby

5.1. Pedigree

5.2. Reflection

5.3. 10.2.2 Extend — through original analysis, evaluation, and elaboration — ideas presented in primary or secondary sources.

6. 3 Essays

6.1. Harmless Entertainment

6.2. Life is a Competition

6.3. Your School

6.4. Reflection

6.5. Standards

6.5.1. 10.5.3 Write expository compositions, including analytical essays, summaries, descriptive pieces, or literary analyses that use technical terms and notations correctly and communicate information and ideas from primary and secondary sources accurately and coherently.

6.5.2. 10.5.4 Write persuasive compositions that clarify and defend positions with precise and revelant evidence, including facts, expert opinions, quotations, expressions of commonly accepted beliefs, and logical reasoning.

7. "The Odyssey"

7.1. Google Sketch-up Temple

7.2. Reflection

7.3. 10.1.3 Use the knowledge of mythology (Greek, Roman, and other mythologies) to understand the origin and meaning of new words (Wednesday/Odin, Thursday/Thor).