All employees have to use CRM to collect data

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All employees have to use CRM to collect data by Mind Map: All employees have to use CRM to collect data

1. Saves time when the 'lead' becomes a 'member' (Member Services Team)

1.1. Less administration for either Fleet or Member Services team when seeing up new members.

1.2. Reduced time off/on the phone sop more phone calls can be answered

1.3. Quicker & more efficient customer service

1.4. Other teams can see that someone else has helped them an can acknowledge this (again better for customer service.

2. ability to track the number of car leads per Sales Employee

3. Ability to track phone call leads for potential new members

4. Additional training required

4.1. time away from their desk

4.2. some people do not deal well with "change"

5. Upgrade of the current CRM software required

5.1. This will come with a cost

6. saves time and money

7. Better customer service as everyone can access notes of that individuals interaction with our business

8. Time consuming (added work for Fleet & Sales Teams)

8.1. Adding an additional step in the process

9. Will gather data for marketing

9.1. Ability to increase marketing EDM (email direct mailer) to more people.

9.2. data needs to be accurate

9.3. data needs email, name and hopefully a phone number

10. CRM is bad anyway, lets use another system

10.1. There is a large cost involved implemented a whole new system for this.

11. It will increase sales from marketing campaigns

11.1. Increased Proft

11.2. Company growth

11.3. Better bonuses for the sales teams