What factors are necessary to ensure that immigrant children are properly educated in a welcoming...

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What factors are necessary to ensure that immigrant children are properly educated in a welcoming environment? by Mind Map: What factors are necessary to ensure that immigrant children are properly educated in a welcoming environment?

1. Good Education

1.1. Financial Support for Schools

1.1.1. Donations

1.1.2. Government Funding

1.2. Quality Teachers

1.2.1. Access to Education

1.2.2. Interest in educating

1.3. Educational Resources

1.3.1. Tutoring centers

1.3.2. Money

2. Effective Government

2.1. Laws

2.1.1. Lawmakers

2.1.2. Issues

2.2. Representation

2.2.1. Interest in an issue

2.2.2. People to represent

2.3. Awareness of Issue

2.3.1. Issue

2.3.2. Effective communication

3. Supportive Family

3.1. Caring Parents

3.1.1. Their parents were caring

3.1.2. Morals

3.2. Value Education

3.2.1. Their parents valued education

3.2.2. Awareness of its importance

3.3. Stable community

3.3.1. Safety

3.3.2. Nice neighbors

4. Non-Profit Organizations Supporting the Issue

4.1. Volunteers

4.1.1. Services that need volunteers

4.1.2. People interested in heping

4.2. Donations

4.2.1. Donators

4.2.2. A cause to donate to

4.3. Coordinators

4.3.1. Education

4.3.2. Commitment to Issue