The Constitution

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The Constitution by Mind Map: The Constitution

1. Bill of Rights

1.1. Va Declaration of Rights

1.1.1. George Mason

1.2. Right to Bear Arms

1.3. Freedom of Religion, press

2. Articles of Confederation

2.1. 1st form of government that failed

2.2. Had a weak National government

2.3. Only one vote per state

3. A living document

3.1. 13th amendment abolishes slavery

3.2. 19th amendment gives women right to vote.

4. 3 Branches of Government

4.1. Judicial

4.2. Legislative

4.2.1. Senate

4.2.2. House

4.3. Executive

5. Founding Fathers

5.1. Thomas Jefferson

5.1.1. Virginia Statue of Religious Freedom

5.1.2. Declaration Of Independence Freedom from England

5.2. George Washington

5.2.1. First President

5.3. John Adams

5.3.1. Federalist and 2 President

5.4. James Madison

5.4.1. Virginia Plan

5.4.2. Father of the Constitution