Articles A/An

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Articles A/An by Mind Map: Articles A/An

1. articles a/an

2. articles a/an

3. articles a/an

4. article A

4.1. Use A before all words that start with consonant sound.

4.1.1. Example. a pet, a door, a green onion, a cat, a hysterical joke.

4.2. Some words can be written starting with a vowel, but they are pronounced with initial sounds of consonant. Words that begin with H, Y, u, and EU or e are common words that can cause confusion.

4.2.1. Articles rules. Use a when u make the same sound as the y in you: a union, a unicorn, a used napkin, a usability study. Use a When the o makes the same sound of the W in won: a one-legged man. Use a when eu or e makes the same sound as the Y: a European trip, a ewe lamb. Do not use a when the h is silent.

5. Article AN

5.1. Use an before all words that start with vowel sounds.

5.1.1. Example. an apple, an elbow, an Indian, an egg, an orange.

5.2. There are words that can be written starting with a consonant, but they are pronounced with initial vowel sound. The words that begin in H are the most common causes of confusion, but there are others that also tend to confuse.

5.2.1. Article rules. Usa an before a silent H: an hour, an honorable peace, an honest error. Use an before words that are written with consonant, but are pronounced with sound of vowel: an MBA.