Rise of Trade and Cities

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Rise of Trade and Cities by Mind Map: Rise of Trade and Cities

1. Growth of cities (Look at slide # 5)

1.1. More opportunities for people to work.. increased social mobility (people run away to cities)

1.1.1. Lords began paying their workers (serfs)

1.1.2. Craftsmen All of the workers in the city form a GUILD The craftsmen of Europe could get resources (like cotton) that could be made into textiles (different kinds of fabric)

1.2. Some of these cities grow in size and power. (Venice had 70,000 people in 1200AD)

1.2.1. Venice has established good trade relations with the Muslims who have access to Asian markets where goods such as spices and silk are sold.

1.3. Don't forget, with the population growing, more people would become followers of what religion?

1.3.1. The Catholic Church is unhappy because the city of Jersualem is under Muslim rule.. they decide to send soldiers to take back Jerusalem The Crusades

2. Credit is necessary to support transactions between buyers and sellers.. this leads to banking system

3. The population of Europe increased between 650-1340 because

3.1. New technology allows more food to be produced

3.2. Vikings settle down- stop raiding/killing

3.2.1. When Vikings stop raiding, things get safer this is good for....

4. Trade increases in Europe

4.1. Trade develops between Northern & Southern Europe (Wool and Linen)

4.1.1. Growth of the Market Fairs held to allow exchange of goods between merchants

5. Bubonic Plague Strikes Europe

6. Muslims have had control of trade routes to Asia since 600CE

6.1. This makes it more challenging to gain access to foreign markets (areas outside of Europe)