21st Century Teaching and Learning

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21st Century Teaching and Learning by Mind Map: 21st Century Teaching and Learning

1. Implications for Teaching

1.1. Need a stronger technology orientation in:

1.1.1. Teaching methods teachers need more info on technology programs to use and incorporate in the classroom there should be trainings in technology integration and navigations

1.1.2. Tools used Must know how to use and navigate specific apps/sites

1.1.3. Skills applied Training up to date on how to use new technology

1.2. A broader scope of technology platforms to learn from:

1.2.1. Wider variety to consider/incorporate individual vs collaborative

1.2.2. podcast

1.2.3. ebooks

1.2.4. online courses

1.2.5. audio

1.2.6. video

1.3. more versatile learners in a chaotic, technology-driven world

1.4. Bigger emphasis on knowing how to operate technology for students, teachers, and parents

1.4.1. knowing code

1.4.2. navigating complex interfaces

1.4.3. understanding of one's digital footprint

1.4.4. hardware

1.5. evolution of structure of classroom dynamics

1.5.1. small group interaction

1.5.2. increased interactions through online portals

1.5.3. more teacher interaction/feedback through online portals

2. Learning

2.1. Technology

2.1.1. e-books

2.1.2. Kahn Academy

2.1.3. iPads

2.1.4. YouTube educational videos

2.1.5. Smart Boards

2.1.6. electronic news sources

2.1.7. smart phones

2.1.8. audio/visual

2.1.9. apps

2.1.10. learning tools

2.1.11. websites

2.1.12. research

2.1.13. digital dictionary

2.2. Digitized

2.2.1. digital literacy students now understand how to navigate technology for learning purposes

2.2.2. everything on paper can now also be seen digitally on a screen

2.3. Social Media

2.3.1. students connected social life teachers can share info on social media parents/teachers connected

2.3.2. instagram

2.3.3. snapchat

2.3.4. facebook

2.4. Information Age

2.4.1. smartphones

2.4.2. laptops

2.4.3. computers

2.4.4. ipads

2.4.5. information is founds through technology rapidly

2.4.6. constantly available

2.4.7. information always growing rapidly and at the hands of students

2.5. Connected

2.5.1. Students are more connected through technology

2.5.2. Parents connected with teachers through online sites

2.5.3. Teachers connect with students through online apps and sites for assignments, grades, homework

2.5.4. Connect globally through learning

3. Technology is EVERYTHING

3.1. for being successful

3.2. must know how to use and operate