Social Science Careers

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Social Science Careers by Mind Map: Social Science Careers

1. This career is important because some people in the world can't do these problems they have alone. If someone wanted this job, the important skill they need is to be kind, honest, and you have to be understanding because the people out there in the world have bigger problems than us.

2. Economists

2.1. A economist gather data. If a kid wants to be a economists they have to really have to work on math, a lot of science, and data interpretation. People who are Economist make about $89450 per year.

2.2. Being a Economist interest me because I like to collect data. This career can help you remember stuff and to make you fell trustworthy. It makes me feel this way because if you u make one mistake you can mess up the whole project and everyone is going to blame it on you

2.3. Economist is important because it's the study of how humans make decisions in the face of scarcity.

2.4. The type of economists I want to be is a health ecomists. A health ecomists gather data and complete work to give like hospitals and etc. I would like to be a health ecomists because I would like to humans and animals by giving data about how to help them feel better.

2.5. The type of economist I want o be is a

3. Post-Secondary Teacher

3.1. A Post-Secondary Teacher is like a assistant teacher that help kids learn there science. It also help kids get in to secondary school. A Post-Secondary Teacher make about $62050 per year.

3.2. The skills you need in this job/career is to be helpful and successful because you have to know social studies and science to help the children to be successful. Also you have to be helpful because going to need the teacher help a lot so you have to be helpful.

3.3. This job/career is important because the teacher instruct students in a wide range of academic and to help the children get on a high school level in science. I've always wanted to be a teacher so I can help kids get on grade level or above in social science and science.

4. Social worker

4.1. A social worker helps people. They protect vulnerable children and support families in need of assistance. They also help people solve and cope with problems in there everyday lives. Social workers gets paid $39250 to $42480 per year.

4.2. Social Worker basically help people when they have problems in there lives. Basically you call for them, then tell them your problem. They will help you with your problem step by step. They will solve your problem and your life will be better.