What factors are necessary to ensure that a cure is found for Cystic Fibrosis

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What factors are necessary to ensure that a cure is found for Cystic Fibrosis by Mind Map: What factors are necessary to ensure that a cure is found for Cystic Fibrosis

1. People

2. Doctors

2.1. Education

2.1.1. passion

2.1.2. peolple

2.2. Dedicated people

2.2.1. stable job

2.2.2. supportive familes

2.3. Job/Career

2.3.1. Education

2.3.2. Passion

3. Non-Profit Organization

3.1. Volunteers

3.1.1. Free time

3.1.2. Kind people with passion

3.2. Finances

3.2.1. Fundraisers

3.2.2. Donations

3.3. Awareness

3.3.1. Media

3.3.2. Good Education

4. Research

4.1. Money

4.1.1. Donations

4.1.2. sponsors

4.2. Equipment

4.2.1. Money

4.2.2. Space

4.3. Universities

4.3.1. Building

5. Financial Support

5.1. Job/Career

5.1.1. Education

5.1.2. Dedication

5.2. Donantions

5.2.1. Donors

5.2.2. A need for donations

5.3. Government

5.3.1. Reliable people

5.3.2. Laws