Fluffy's Dog House

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Fluffy's Dog House by Mind Map: Fluffy's Dog House

1. Roof (Rose-5)

1.1. Waterproof covering (Rose-1)

1.1.1. Attach cover to roof (Rose-1)

1.2. Painted roof (Daisy-2)

1.2.1. Paint roof red (Daisy-2)

1.3. Finished Roof (Rose-2)

1.3.1. Construct build of roof (Rose-2)

2. Outside (Rose-4)

2.1. Painted Walls (Daisy-2)

2.1.1. Paint walls blue (Daisy-2)

2.2. 4 Walls (Rose-2)

2.2.1. Nail all walls in place (Rose-2)

3. Inside (Daisy-2)

3.1. Wood floors (Rose-1)

3.1.1. Lay wooden flooring (Rose-1)

3.2. Accessories (Daisy-1)

3.2.1. Get dog bed, food bowl, toys (Daisy-1)

4. Doggie Door (Rose-3)

4.1. Plastic flap (Rose-3)

4.1.1. Cut out hole for door (Rose- 2)

4.1.2. Drill in plastic flap (Daisy-1)

5. Delivery (Daisy-6)

5.1. Delivery Truck (Daisy-2)

5.1.1. Drive to drop-off location (Daisy-2)

5.2. Ramp (Daisy-1)

5.2.1. Set up ramp outside of truck (Daisy-1)

5.3. Secured dog house (Rose-1)

5.3.1. Tie down dog house (Rose-1)

5.4. Installed Dog House (Rose-2)

5.4.1. Set up house (Rose-2)

6. Materials (Daisy-3)

6.1. Buy materials (Daisy-3)

7. Client Evaluation (Daisy-10)

7.1. Budget (Daisy-7)

7.1.1. calculate labor hours (Rose-2)

7.1.2. calculate costs of labor (Rose-2)

7.1.3. calculate costs of materials (Daisy-3)

7.2. Meeting (Daisy-3)

7.2.1. Take measurements of dog (Daisy-1)

7.2.2. Take measurements of yard (Rose-2)