Fluid and electrolyte balance

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Fluid and electrolyte balance by Mind Map: Fluid and electrolyte balance

1. The average of Body fluid is 60% of body weight

1.1. Extracellular fluid is 20%of body weight

1.1.1. 75% of ECF in interstitial fluid

1.1.2. 25% of ECF in plasma

1.2. Intracellular fluid is 40% of body weight

2. Aldosterone

3. ICF constituents

3.1. Small amount of Na, Cl,

3.2. Ca

3.3. PO4

3.4. Mg

3.5. SO2

3.6. Large amount of proteins

4. Body fluid compartment

5. ECF constituents

5.1. Na

5.2. Cl

5.3. HCO3

5.4. Small amount of K, Ca, Mg,PO4, and organic acid ions

6. Formula: concentration x number of dissociable particles

6.1. Tonicity (Changing in cell volume)

6.1.1. No changing ( isotonic)

6.1.2. Cell enlarge ( hypotonic)

6.1.3. Cell shrinks (hypertonic)

7. Effects by osmotic force

7.1. Osmolarity effects by small amount of solute such as Na, K

8. Fluid regulation

8.1. By hormones

8.1.1. ADH

9. Mechanism of fluid transport

9.1. Active transport (domains of energy power)

9.1.1. By ATP

9.1.2. By ionic concentration gradient

10. Function of body Fluid

10.1. Serves vital health

10.2. Input and Output of body fluid

10.2.1. Input Food- drinking water- metabolism Passive transport (no domains of energy power) Simple diffusion Facilitated diffusion Osmosis

10.2.2. Output Urine Insensible loss: sweat-faeces- lungs

10.3. Maintain cellular function

10.4. Transporter of nutrients and waste products.

10.5. Lubricant

11. measurement of the body fluid