Mindset: The Movie

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Mindset: The Movie by Mind Map: Mindset: The Movie

1. 2 Characters going for the same promotion. Both equally qualified

1.1. Character 1: Growth Mindset

1.2. Character 2: Fixed Mindset

2. Movie plays out what happens when each character gets/does not get the job

2.1. Character 1 Gets the job

2.1.1. We see character 1 take a risk that character 2 wouldn't take. This rewards him with a job--Example: teaches an outside the box lesson.

2.1.2. Character 2 quits the teaching profession all together. He decides that not getting this job means he should not be a teacher

2.2. Character 2 Gets the job

2.2.1. Character 1 continues to try new and exciting things in the classroom, and eventually takes over for character 2, that cannot handle the new responsibilities

2.2.2. Character 2 can't handle the new job because he is not familiar with the new responsibilities.